Georgia School Funding Association


Composition of State and Local Funds

                                       General Revenues and Expenditures
                          for All Local School Systems in Georgia in FY02 (1)
State and         Per %  of     % of
State Funds Other Funds         FTE Total     Total
Instruction (2)  $    5,002,231,752  $   3,456 #DIV/0! 53.3%
Media Centers            151,364,716           105 #DIV/0! 1.6%
General Administration            190,426,785           132 #DIV/0! 2.0%
School Admin. (3)            281,581,447           195 #DIV/0! 3.0%
Facility Maintenance.            434,205,000             300 #DIV/0! 4.6%
QBE Formula Earnings  $    6,059,809,700  $   4,187 #DIV/0! 64.6%
Transportation            177,551,705           123 #DIV/0! 1.9%
Equalization Grants (4)            255,947,743           177 #DIV/0! 2.7%
Non-Formula Grants (5)            115,614,755               80 #DIV/0! 1.2%
Total QBE Earnings  $    6,608,923,903  $   4,566 #DIV/0! 70.4%
Required Local Effort        (1,003,852,755)         (694) #DIV/0! -10.7%
State QBE Funds   $    5,605,071,148  $   3,873 #DIV/0! 59.7%
Other State Funds (6)              63,286,502             44 #DIV/0! 0.7%
Lottery Funds                      52,321               0 #DIV/0! 0.0%
Total State Funds  $    5,668,409,971  $   5,668,409,971  $   3,916 #DIV/0! 60.4%
Federal Funds (7)            41,564,145             29 #DIV/0! 0.4%
Required Local Effort       1,003,852,755           694 #DIV/0! 10.7%
Additional Local Funds       2,671,090,443        1,846 #DIV/0! 28.5%
Total Expenditures (8)  $   9,384,917,314  $   6,484 #DIV/0! 100.0%
Increase in Reserves          255,690,219
Total Revenues  $   9,640,607,533
Based on a full-time enrollment of                1,447,332 students
 (1)  Reported on the GDOE website for FY02 for the General Fund of every local school system in Georgia. 
 (2)  Includes Instruction, Instructional Support, Pupil Services, Staff & Professional Development, 20 Days 
       of Additional Instruction, and Hold-Harmless Mid-Term Adjustments, except for the State funds for 
       Nursing Services (which are shown in Non-Formula Grants).
 (3)  Includes School Administration, Principal Supplements, and Vocational Supervisors.
 (4)  Shown as a separate line item, but these funds (as is the case for Non-Formula Grants) are used to 
       pay additional costs in the other indicated categories of expenditure.
 (5)  Includes Sparsity Grants. Principal Supplements, Vocational Supervisors, Nursing Services, and 
       supplemental grants for computers.
 (6)  Reduced by $55,222,031 from the amount shown on the Report Card to reflect funds which the State
       considered to be QBE Funds but which local systems reported as Other State Funds.
 (7)  Does not include Federal Funds that are restricted to specific programs.
 (8)  Includes expenditures for Capital Projects, School Nutrition, and Debt Service which are paid from the 
       General Fund of local school systems.